Minggu, 22 September 2019

Optimus prime

      HELLO GUYS!!   right i will tell you abaout one of knights in the robot world,,hes name optimus prime,OPTIMUS he is the leader of  the AUTOBOTS to fights all crimes comitted by decepticons with its leader MEGATRON.OPTIMUS PRIME is dedicated for the truth in cybertron,earth and the universe.he is known as a strict leader and is also respected by all members of the AUTOBOTS and part of DECEPTICONS.

Hasil gambar untuk optimus
    he has a strong physicality because he is robot he also have a body very tall because he is robot and he have six or eight wheel,two rear view mirror,fast engine and other.that i admire is he is not afraid of anyone because HE BELIVE IN HIM SELF.
Hasil gambar untuk many brother optimus prime

    optimus he has many brothers but  almost all of them died  in gread war robot in ancient time.all fractions joined in the war and happaned was the destruction of the robot state(cybertron).finally all living robots spread to other planet including the earth and the story begen.


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