Minggu, 21 Februari 2021

procedure teks and video

 Name : Rafli Shiddiq Rabbani

XI  science 8 (25)

                                                                            How To Make Milo Candy

hello everyone!! welcome back again with me in my blog,how are you guys?  i wish you all well.but anyway right now i want to tell you about How To Make Milo candy,actually milo is a brand of cocoa powder milk drink that should be brewed with hot water but it can also be enjoyed in various ways,one of wich is by making candy and let's see how to make it.


1. 1 sachet milo powder

2. 1 iron 

3. 1 needle 

4. 1 hand towel

5. 1 scissor

6. 1 spoon


1. first, pin the milo wrap with a needle to let the air escape in the milo wrap is deflated.       

   and then smooth the milo wrap using your palms or with the help of a spoon

2. secondly ,heat the iron and 

3. third, put the hand towel and cover the wrap milo with hand towel or cloth 

4.fourth,ironing the milo with the clothes or hand towel covering wrap milo until it hardens       like candy

5. fifth,waiting the milo until the milo cool and if you want put it in the refrigenerator

6. finally wrap scissors and milo candy ready to eat.

this is link my video
